Afternoon Tea explained

Afternoon Tea explained

Teatime Thoughts April 21

You have not only shared some wonderful photos but you have asked some great questions. As the children begin to enjoy the ritual of afternoon tea, they might be asking more questions. Here is some more history for you to share with them when you enjoy tea next.

What Time is Afternoon Tea Served?

Traditional afternoon tea is usually served between lunch and dinner, between 3PM and 5PM. Our afternoon tea is from noon until 4pm

Is there a Proper Order to Eat Afternoon Tea?

Yes! Traditional afternoon tea is served in three courses usually on a three tiered stand.

You should eat the savories first, the scones second, and the sweets last. Unless of course those scones are fresh baked. They would then be served on the bottom tray hot from the oven. Eat these first.

What’s the Proper Way to Eat a Scone?

Start with scooping some clotted cream and preserves onto your plate using the small utensils provided. This helps keep everyone safe from any flu bug going around.

Next, break off bite-sized pieces of the scone using your hands and use your own personal knife to spread the clotted cream and preserves onto the broken piece of scone. Eat that piece of scone, then repeat.

Do I Eat Everything with My Hands?

Yes! The tea sandwiches, the scones, the sweets, are all to be eaten with your hands. Please don’t worry over this too much. Do as you are most comfortable with while being respectful to self and those at your table.

Utensils only come into play when spreading clotted cream and preserves onto your scones. You may need a fork if your dessert is too messy and require a little assistance.

Should I Raise My Pinky Finger When Drinking Tea?

Absolutely no pinkie up please. The proper way to hold a teacup is to use your thumb and index finger to hold onto the handle.

The third finger rests on the handle and the pinky is not to be raised or sticking out — it’s considered rude, unsophisticated, and definitely not proper.


I do hope you are enjoying your afternoon tea. Dragonfly Delights Tearoom is in the business of creating lasting memories through the experience of sharing tea.


Bon appetite!                                                                                                                                  Joanne

A note of Thanks

A note of Thanks

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