A note of Thanks

A note of Thanks

Teatime thoughts April 28

It is never too early to begin to teach your kids the importance of manners and how to be a good guest. This month I have shared a few ideas for teaching your children how to be a good guest.

Children love the opportunity to visit friends and family for play dates, holidays, birthdays, weddings and so many more celebrations.

It is fun for children to see people, experience new things, play with new toys, and spend time with friends. This makes it essential to teach our children how to be a good and gracious guest. The first step is to set simple ground rules and go over them as often as necessary.

The last thing one does as a great guest is send a thank you note. In our day this can be a text, email, message, phone call. But to make the event extra special a hand-written note of thanks is a wonderful touch. Long ago hand written notes were common. A simple blank page that the child decorates, of a construction paper card will be fun to create.


Thank you for inviting me to____

I enjoyed______

Thank you,



If you would like additional help with teaching children how to be a good guest. Check out https://avirtuouswoman.org/teaching-children-how-to-be-a-guest/                                                                        there are more great ideas and games to help you teach the children how to be a good guest.

Thank you for sharing your photos and stories of afternoon tea success and disasters. I have very much enjoyed each and everyone of them.

If you need pretty thank you cards my daughter Anastasia is in the business of creating heartfelt greeting cards. Contact me for more information.


Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                                          Joanne

A great cup of tea

A great cup of tea

Afternoon Tea explained

Afternoon Tea explained