The Art of Teatime

The Art of Teatime

Attending an Afternoon Tea with Dragonfly Delights TeaRoom gives you a chance to sit down with those who are near and dear to you and to share conversations, communicate, and experience delicious food. Getting together and enjoying each other’s company is at the heart of these memorable gatherings, and in carefully making the preparations we infuse our creativity in the cuisine and décor.

In January I prepared the dining area for afternoon tea with a décor that was a blue, silver and white winter theme. All the boxes have come home, been unpacked and repacked with gold, red and pink hearts for St. Valentine’s day. I have chosen personal favorites to adorn the tables, decorations that hold a special memory, items that make me smile, bring me joy. Do have any personal favorites displayed in your home today to celebrate the upcoming St. Valentine’s day holiday?

The beauty of attending an afternoon tea is that it can be as casual or as formal as you choose to make it.  Whether you choose to come dressed in your afternoon tea best dress, gloves, hat and pearls or in your casual comfy clothes is entirely up to you. I hope the table setting we provide will delight the senses. From our linen tablecloths and napkins to our china place settings and silver cutlery, it is the little details that add those thoughtful touches, letting you, our guest, know this is something that was intentionally prepared just for you.

I may have shared in the past but I will say it again, I personally have never sat at a table and ordered “high tea” as most establishments call it. I have been to tearooms, ordering soup, salad and a sandwich. At most tearooms afternoon tea/high tea is served on specific days with reservations absolutely necessary. I would very much enjoy attending a formal afternoon tea dressed in a vintage gown, shoes, pearls, gloves and of course a hat. I LOVE hats. I inherited some lovely hats, I have purchase others. I very much LOVE hats. I began wearing them some 20 years ago to hide the grey. Now I wear them for the sheer love and enjoyment.

My almost 20 years home with my four children as a full time stay at home mother, began at age 21, thus the grey hair. We lived in a rural community; I did not have a vehicle readily accessible, so I was very much housebound. With 4 children there was always so much to do, house cleaning, laundry, home reading, who had time to go anywhere? To ensure that I did not go stir crazy, get cabin fever, nor were we at each others’ throats, I explored all the seasons and holidays. We embraced them with great fervor.

I mentioned last month our winter tree with its blue white and silver decorations, and the endless paper snowflakes. You are imagining a paper snowflake taped to a window or hanging from above, I would like you to remember what the process is to creating those paper beauties. Paper, fold, fold, fold, cut, cut, cut…. Imagine 4 children, cut cut cut….. Oh the little paper messes. Great memories.

February in our home would bring valentines, hearts, valentines cards, valentines decorations everywhere. More cutting pasting, glue, sparkle, 3 girls, sparkle… We baked heart shaped cookies or muffins for school St. Valentine’s day parties.  Those bakings would always get candy sprinkles red, pink, or white on icing of a contrasting color. A family favorite recipe was given to me by a dear friend, Lisa B. This little cookie is something we look forward to every year. I will be baking some this weekend. Perhaps make more to serve them at Afternoon Tea On Saturday February 15th. Do you have a favorite St. Valentine’s Day tradition or baking? I would love to hear the story. 

My personal afternoon teatime these days has involved much inner reflection. Analyzing possibilities. I try to read every day, one book a month is the goal. January’s book was focused on a woman who doesn’t quit. It looked at why do we quit? The book discussed the big things in life and the little things. February’s book is the opposite angle. One needs to resist the urge to continue. Sabbat, a word for Sabbath. The book talked about resisting the urge to continue in things that seem like a good thing but upon reflection these things, even good habits are poison to us. What a contrast for me to digest. Don’t quit in January then February resist the urge to continue.

February is I love to read month. Have you a favorite book? Do you read as a regular part of your daily routine?  What sorts of books do you enjoy?

Regardless of the season, the holiday, no matter the occasion, there is always a good time for tea and for sharing with others. I hope you will find our Afternoon Tea events encourage conversation, thus relationship building for a better tomorrow. Our next event is St. Valentines Day Afternoon Tea served Saturday February 15th.

While you enjoy your afternoon tea today, I pray you will dwell on happy memories, pretty things. Focus on a positive today.





Warm Winter Wishes

Warm Winter Wishes