Warm Winter Wishes

Warm Winter Wishes

Warm Winter Welcome!

January, The month of new beginnings and cherished memories. Winter weaves its wondrous spell, cold, crisp, we wear our woolen hats, mitts and scarves. We experience short days and long nights. Opportunity for lively conversation or solitary soul searching. Outside the temperature drops as the snow falls softly. All of nature is at peace or so it seems. We should be too. I enjoy cozy quiet times near the fireplace, a space that has only seen the flames from multiple candles, that my dear husband has this past December removed to replace with electric light flames projected on the back wall. Not my vision for Hygee. My dear husband knows all too well that I occasionally forget about my candles… safety first.

This is the month to dream to look forward to the year ahead and the journey that we shall take.

When my children were growing up I enjoyed the holidays and change of seasons. I embraced January, looking forward to hot chocolate with marshmallows, or whip cream and sprinkles. I had the children cut out paper snowflakes hanging them on the front window. We even had an outdoor “winter tree” that we decorated all blue white and silver. Celebrating the cold sounds crazy but it certainly helps pass the time, warm the soul and bring family together.

My children learnt to ski, and snowboard in the Canadian Rockies. Skiing in Manitoba has been challenging for them, Where is the mountain? On school snow days, we would head out back to the creek to toboggan or walk the creek to the east to the mouth of the Red River, or have the creek take us along the farmers field to the west. More recently my youngest daughter while studying at the University of Manitoba enjoys days ice skating along the Red River from the Forks. Winter can be enjoyed!

We have on our book shelf for winter, a book that is filled with photographs of snowflakes. Absolutely amazing images. No two snowflakes are alike. It has been said that no two people are alike. What an awe inspired teatime thought. An infinite number of snowflakes, no two are alike… I wonder about my family and friends, my community, my team. No two are alike. We each have gifts, talents unique. We all have needs, wants, desires, dreams. Individuality. So why then do we spend so much time on social media comparing, worry that we are not like others. If we were not created like someone else, why do we try to be them.

I am discovering that I have a path. I believe it is set out by my Heavenly Father. Each of us has our own belief, I respect that. My heavenly Father created me in His image with a plan and a purpose for Him. So why then do I compare my path to those around me. He prepared a life for me. I am in this with Him. Where I am is because He needs me here, wants me here. I believe I have so much more to learn before He will allow me to reach my destination. When the time is right, the season is prepared and our efforts have been seen, God will bring us what we need. I must let go of comparison questions, Why are they doing better? Why are some not doing well? Whey do others have? While many don’t have? I am learning this year to let go of comparison, to accept and embrace the path that is mine. Mine alone.

 No two are alike.

While you sit with your cuppa this afternoon, have a look outside at the snow. All those snowflakes sparkling in the sun, no two alike. Reflect on where you are, where do you want to be. Dig deep. What is it you really want? Where do you want to be next week, next month, next year? Then, make a plan to get there remembering that your path will be different. Your story is different. Own it. It is yours after all.

I am including the link below,to those amazing snowflake photos. Let me know what you think. I am in awe year after year when I look at the snowflake book. I enjoy it now with the grand-daughters. The photo above is from the talented Caley Brown Photography. I am so very thankful for her allowing me to use her gorgeous photos this month on my Facbook *Friends* posts.

Warm Winter Wishes sent your way, I pray you have a most amazing day !



The Art of Teatime

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year !