The 14 Day of Valentines

The 14 days of Valentines

 Can you believe it is February 1st!

Valentines’ day has become so very materialistic, commercialized and gosh darn expensive. Tell me why are a dozen roses today $25 at superstore but for valentines they will be more likely $50? I won’t even ask about the florists dozen roses cost of almost $200….

I am going to enjoy an inexpensive Valentine’s day this year by using what I already have at home. I found this idea from “The Cup of Life”, Lu Ann is a tea enthusiast and writer based in Ontario, Canada. She is always seeking new ways to incorporate tea into her life and looks forward to sharing them with you on her web page or on Instagram @teaaholic.

Back at Christmas time she shared an idea to create your own advent calendar using the tea you already have at home. I read this fantastic idea much too late to get everything together for Christmas. Stress not, I have saved it for Valentine’s day.

When my children were small they loved, we loved, to watch Winnie-the-Pooh. One particular Valentine’s episode has piglet dangling from a rope above a stage singing “I am Cupid!” as he swings. I sang the very same as I put a little brown lunch bag at each child’s door every morning from February 1st through 14th. Wonderful memories.

Each day their bag contained a small treat and inexpensive gift. I enjoy shopping at the dollar store and very much enjoy buying holiday item on sale this year, storing for next year. But, alas, the children are grown with little ones of their own. I am home alone with my desires to sing “I am cupid.”

So, with memories from raising children mixed with Lu Ann’s idea, I am creating a “14 Days of Valentines Tea calendar. Using the tea I already have. No purchase necessary.

With a DIY tea advent calendar you get to use teas that you already own to make space for more tea to come in the year. While you can get super fancy, this tea calendar tutorial is meant to be easy so it won’t take long to put together. This is especially great to do if it’s last minute. In fact, when Lu Ann first created this tea advent calendar she made it the night before!

When she made her quick tea  calendar, she said  it was so much fun to wake up and see what tea was waiting to be steeped.

Imagine how exciting it an be, even though you use teas that you already own and it takes less than an hour to make, according to Ann, but if you know me this will take me all afternoon.

 How to Select Teas For this Advent Calendar

The best part about making your own tea calendar is that you get to fill it with teas that you know you love!

When you select the teas for your own tea calendar I would start by looking at the ones that only have 1 or 2 servings left. That way you can finish them up faster. Watch those expire and best before dates too.

With this tea calendar LuAnn was able to finish off several teas and also enjoyed some teas she forgot she even had.

Don’t forget to also look for teas in your collection that are somewhat seasonal inspired so you can stay on theme. I have cocoa berry bouquet and cinnamon heart rooibos to look forward to. Thes are Pluck teas limited edition Valentines blends.

If you’re like me you might have loose leaf teas from last season still (oops!). If not, look for any teas that are perfect for wintertime, inspired by valentines.

But will the teas in this calendar still be a surprise?


If you’re worried about remembering the teas you used in the calendar, you could get someone else to pick them out for you.

Lu Ann says from her experience last year was that she often forgot the teas she picked out as the days went on.

Plus, the main part of this DIY is to shuffle up the pieces of paper before numbering them so you never actually know what tea is on which day.

 DIY Tea Calendar Tutorial

February is here bringing St. Valentine’s Day so let’s get crafting!

Here is what you will need:

– cork board or foam board ( optinal )

– thumbtacks ( optional )

– construction paper

– markers

– scissors

Tape or glue

– 14 different teas


1. Cut out 14 shapes from construction paper. Keep it simple, I did hearts but you can also cut out circles, squares, triangles… I used pink, red and white hearts to stick with the Valentines’ Day theme

2. Select 14 different teas from your tea collection. This is where you #drinkwhatyouown … don’t buy new ones for this!

3. Write the name of a tea on each piece of paper. Then, shuffle the pieces of paper and number them from 1-14 on the reverse side. Don’t flip the pieces of paper over again or else you’ll reveal which tea is under which day. Keep it a surprise! I didn’t number the hearts. I have taped them to my paper backing and will turn them over day by day.

4. Line up the pieces of paper in order on a cork board or foam board, what ever you have chosen as your backing. and secure. I used scotch tape for my paper hearts.

5. Hang up your tea calendar and patiently wait for the first of February. No peeking!

  How to use this valentines tea calendar

On February first, or the first day of your choosing begin the countdown!

Simply flip over the piece of paper that is labeled “1”, read which tea it is, then grab it from your tea collection to steep and enjoy. Leave the day turned over once complete. Repeat until St. Valentine’s day is here.


If you make a valentines tea calendar this year, tag LuAnn on Instagram @teaaholic and use the hashtag #drinkwhatyouown . Also Tag #DragonfllyDelightsTearoom on Instsagram @DragonflyDelightsTearoom


I will be sharing what is behind each of my dates on social media starting February 1st, so be sure to follow if you’re curious!

Enjoy and Happy February!



Anna The seventh Duchess of Bedford

Anna The seventh Duchess of Bedford

Making a Pot of Tea

Making a Pot of Tea