Making a Pot of Tea

Making a Pot of Tea

Making a great pot of Tea

 Making a perfect pot of tea is all in the details. It seems odd that as we come to the end of our hot tea month that I should finally share these great tips with you. It just seem to be the natural progression. What is tea, where does it grow, how to process, manufacture, blend, and now recipes on how to enjoy.

Learn the proper way to make tea with my simple instructions and explanations as to why. Remember that taking tea is meant to be a ritual that helps to slow you down at some point in the day. Take your time to intentionally brew your pot of tea, and to enjoy it.

 A Proper Cup of Tea

I’ve learned that when it comes to making a proper cup of tea, it’s all in the details.

All you really need to do to make a cup of tea is simply hot water and tea. But if you want to make a proper cup of tea, there are a couple of extra steps you should take. It will elevate your tea experience and make your tea taste so much better!

As Dragonfly Delights Tearoom exists to help you create lasing memories through the experience of sharing tea, that cup of tea had better be exceptional. so please take the time to make your pot of tea the best it can be. when the tearoom opens in its own real space the team will be practising these same steps to ensur that your cup or pot of tea with us is perfection.

What You will Need

 Loose tea -     I always choose loose tea over tea sachets or tea bags. I will share why in another blog.

 Filtered water -     Better water makes better tea.

 Teapot with infuser -    Use a teapot with a large infuser. It makes it easier for the tea leaves to unfurl and steep.

Electric kettle, preferably with temperature setting -     A must for all tea drinkers. Not all tea should be brewed in boiling hot water and you will want a kettle that allows you to change the water temperature.

 Steps to Make a pot of Tea

Here’s a quick overview of the steps to make tea properly.

Boil water.

Different types of tea require different water temperature to brew. Check the tea packaging to see the recommended water temperature.

Warm up teapot.

This step is a detail that takes your tea to the next level and almost no one does it. But they should. Take some of the boiled water and fill half the teapot and give it a few swirls then throw out the water. We’re warming the teapot so that when the hot water for tea goes in, the water temperature won’t drop too much.

  Put tea into teapot and add hot water.  

Cover teapot and steep tea.  Set the timer to steep it to the correct amount of time. The steep time is different for each kind of tea so check the tea package to see what is recommended. Usually it’s no more than 5 minutes.

  Strain tea solids and pour hot tea into tea cups.

If you want to have another cup, pour more hot water into the teapot (using the same tea leaves) and set the timer again. For the second steep, add 1-2 more minutes.

This adventure of reading opinions on how to make an exceptional pot of tea lead me to these web pages The Tea Table, Oh How Civilized, YorkShire Tea, and so many more.

This brings us to the end of our Hot Tea Month. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this topic once again. It seams every January I am researching tea, every year I learn something new. Every day is a school day.

Happy Day to you all, Thanks for being here.


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