Are you my next great employee?

The difference between Dragonfly Delights Tea Room and other restaurants goes far beyond great food and wonderful service. It's who we are. Creating a calm atmosphere, along with made from scratch culinary offerings and wonderful customer service all the product of my phenomenal team.

I am seeking to build an efficient team for the tea room’s exciting new location opening summer 2024. These team members must have great retail and customer service skills. Plus the willingness to learn to try new ways of serving. Working at Dragonfly Delights Tea Room is an opportunity to serve friendly customers providing them with an exceptional dining experience.

I Can,    I Will,    I Am !

Yesterday, April 29, I was full of a different sort of emotion as I looked back on the past years, the experiences, my journey. Where I was asked in those years 0-18 years of age  “Are you sure you can?” I say today YES! Yes I can. When I hear the voice from the 20 years of the first marriage “you can’t, you are no one, you never have been and you never will be …” Today I say I can, I will and I am !

Crafting connects us to our past

When I create things for my family, whether I bake or sew, it is all about creating something from the heart, just like our grandmas used to do. Do-it-yourself crafts are about putting a piece of yourself into what you’re making and sharing that warmth with the people around you.