Spring Baking and Canning

Spring Baking and Canning

Spring In the Kitchen

Embracing grandmacore in the kitchen means slowing down and savoring the art of cooking and baking with soul. Canning and baking are a great way to pass the days while we wait to get into the garden. Mine is still very wet so I am focused on the things that I can do inside.

Why not bake something pretty?

Spring is the perfect time to get back to basics and bake bread like our grandparents did. It’s not about rushing or having the latest kitchen gadget. It’s about enjoying the process, taking your time, and putting a bit of love into each loaf. My mother will tell stories of standing on the kitchen chair so she could reach the tble to knead the bread. My mother the eldest daughter took on a motherly role while her mom, my grandmother, recovered from childbirth. I can’t imagine a 7 or 8 year old baking bread all day so the family would have some to eat for the remainder of the week…

Baking bread is not something that I have done often as I am allergic to yeast. Which I learned when my uncle was teaching me to bake as he was a baker. I got both hands in the big silver bowl to knead the mixture. I few turns over brought red hives up my hands, wrist all the way to my elbows. That was the end of bread making lessons. I would like to try again though.

 So if you are an expert….

Spring time baking is lighter and brighter than the heavy spices of autumn and winter. Gingerbread is my absolute favourite but lemon curd anything is a close second.

When one searches the internet or a shelf filled with cookbooks there are ever so many springtime baking ideas, even if you don’t want to try bread baking. With the warmer days, but the garden is still wet, open those windows and get into the kitchen. Bake up some old favourites and be brave with some new ones. You will fill your freezer with home made good ness to be enjoyed all summer long.

Here’s a list of spring-themed baking ideas, found on the world wide web, to get you started. These treats are perfect for enjoying with a cup of tea on a sunny afternoon or sharing with friends and family at a spring gathering.

Strawberry Sweet Rolls: Imagine soft, fluffy rolls filled with sweet strawberry jam, perfect for a special weekend breakfast.

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins: These zesty muffins are like a bite of sunshine, ideal for a quick snack or a light breakfast.

Rhubarb Pie: Tangy rhubarb encased in a buttery crust – it’s a classic spring dessert that never gets old.

Lavender Honey Cookies: Delicate cookies flavored with lavender and sweetened with honey, capturing the essence of spring in every bite.

Pea and Mint Quiche: A savory option for those who love baking but want something a bit different. Fresh peas and mint make this quiche refreshingly spring-like.

Blueberry Lemon Bread: A moist, tangy bread studded with fresh blueberries, great for an afternoon treat.

Asparagus and Goat Cheese Tart: Another savory delight, featuring spring asparagus and creamy goat cheese on a flaky tart crust.

 Don’t forget about the possibility of making a springtime jam or jelly

Making jams with local fresh produce is really a special thing. It is a way to bottle up all the brightness, goodness and freshness of the season. It is a reminder of the simpler times when eating seasonally was not a trend, it was just how things were done.

My absolute favourite strawberry jam was made by katy at Green Rabbit Farms. Berries foraged locally, mashed into jars and the freshness sealed in. Her jam was more berry than jelly. So very delicious.

Watching for the U-Pick berry farms to open is patience testing for me. It may be a while until we can get some local fresh berries. Until then collect your ingredients, the equipment and your favourite recipes. Once those berries are ready to be picked you will be one step ahead.

Some canning projects perfect for this spring found on the internet

Strawberry Preserves: A classic favorite. There’s nothing like slathering homemade strawberry jam on your morning toast.

Dandelion Jelly: Yep, those yellow flowers in your yard can be turned into a sweet, honey-like jelly. It’s spring in a jar.

Rhubarb Chutney: Tangy and a bit spicy, this is perfect with grilled meats or as a cheese board addition.

Pickled Asparagus: Crunchy, tangy, and great as a snack or chopped into a spring salad.

Mint Jelly: Fresh and vibrant, it’s amazing with lamb or spread on crackers.

Lemon Curd: Thick, creamy, and bursting with citrus flavor, lemon curd is a dream on scones or as a cake filling.

Violet Syrup: Beautifully purple, sweet, and floral, it’s perfect for adding a splash of color and flavor to cocktails or lemonade.

Spring canning is all about capturing the freshness and flavors of the season. There’s something super satisfying about seeing all those jars lined up, knowing you’ve got a little bit of spring waiting for you any time of the year.


So what will it be baking or canning? Please do share.

Let's have a Spring Tea Party !

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