GIving Generously

GIving Generously

Giving generously.

When I was first learning all about household budgeting giving generously was often in the conversation. When you are drowning in debt, one does not confidently give generously.

10% is the suggested amount to set aside to give. While 20% is saved, then you live off the rest paying house first… budgeting in its simplest form.

Did you know that while operating the tearoom 2019-present I have been operating debt free while giving generously from the income that you, the guests, provided. I felt it important, written in the business plan. But I rarely posted on social media what I was up to.

Don’t let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

I supported and continue to give to many of these worthy organizations

 Pregnancy Support Center, Helping Hands Food Kitchen, Big brothers Big sister, Schools in Africa, Funds for Furry Friends, Youth for Christ and others.

As 2022 will finish without me serving any Afternoon Tea, I am not holding events as I focus on my health, I would like to continue to, give generously, supporting community groups. I do hope you will help me with this.

 I have chosen to sell off some inventory that I found myself not using often enough to justify keeping, or perhaps I have too many.

I have for sale in the tearoom teapots that I loved when things began then my husband found smaller ones, they are so much easier for everyone to handle. Lighter and less wastage.

The larger ones are for sale for the next two weeks $20 each. There are 2 styles. A traditional round and a taller square. Each holds about 4 cups of water. Absolutely perfect for a teatime with friends.

Also infuser balls and scoops, the scoops are great for portioning out the perfect amount of loose leaf tea to brew the perfect pot of tea. The infuser balls I am finding essential these days for making a cup of tea so very quickly.

And always the very best loose leaf tea that is hand blended in small batches right here in Canada, is available for purchase. I have over 30 blends to choose from. I am always ordering more.

The Tearoom Gift Shop is open by appointment only at this time, but I am working on arranging a regular time and day for you to stop in to visit, enjoy a cuppa while browsing.

With Christmas quickly approaching the tearoom gift shop could be a great place to find the perfect gift for someone on your gift giving list. And those Secret Santa gift exchanges.

Your purchase from the gift shop allows me to reduce the inventory that is no longer needed as well as continue to give generously to my community.


Please contact me to arrange your teatime in the Tearoom gift shop.

January is Mental Wellness Month

January is Mental Wellness Month

Herb and Tomato tea sandwich

Herb and Tomato tea sandwich