Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sunday

I let myself sleep in today, relaxed for a time. I read, thought on the week behind and the week ahead. THen got to work on my photos needed for my February social media. Time got away with me and my afternoon cuppa will end up being a bed time cuppa. How did that happen?

My friend Lorie has had the same sort of week. She sent me a few words early this morning rather than earlier this week. I was so very busy I did not notice. Here are her thoughts.

“There is a relationship between our behaviours, our thinking patterns and the way that we feel. Of these three things the easiest to influence is our behaviour. Most people have several positive coping skills that usually help them to manage stress and occasional low moods. These can include pleasurable activities like meditation, yoga, exercise and other hobbies. When we engage in these activities it can improve our mood for a period of time.  

One aspect of behaviour that is sometimes forgotten is the completion of tasks. When we finish a “necessary” task there can be a corresponding increase in mood. If you think back to a time when you washed the walls or cleared out the garage or even a drawer you may remember feeling good about it. This means that our to do list can help us feel better. The key to making this work is how you think about those tasks. Many times we perceive those tasks as “things we have to do” and don’t count them as accomplishments when in fact these tasks take energy and time and deserve to be tallied.

 When you notice your mood declining, take stock of what you’re doing to “fill up your tank” and consider what you might add to that list. It can be a great time to look at trying something new, you never know what might be the next new hobby. “

I most definitely look at the long never ending list of things to do when I should really be celebrating the accomplishments. So today as I step away from all this computer work let me not look at all that still needs to be done. Instead let me celebrate what I did accomplish today. I took down the St. Valentines boxes from storage. Put away odds and ends of winter. I tidied and de-cluttered a little bit in the living room and dining room. I set out little vignettes, photographing them for my posts. I found some profound words to accompany these photos. I made sechduled posts for both FB and IG.

I know my things to do list is long. but that’s ok with me. I did really good today. That deserve an evening cuppa to celebrate. Tomorrow is a new day and great things can happen.


Lorie Lelond Strength From Within Counselling 1439-1st Street Brandon, MB R7A 2Y7 204-573-1562 Facebook @thestrengthfromwithin”

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