Restrictions Lifting

Restrictions Lifting

Teatime Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday July 14th


As restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars resume operations in some areas, Centers for Disease Control and Preventions offers many considerations for ways in which business owners can protect employees, customers, and communities to slow the spread of COVID-19. Businesses can determine, in collaboration with local health officials, how to implement these considerations, making adjustments to meet the needs and circumstances of the local community. Implementation should be guided by what is feasible, practical, acceptable, and tailored to the needs of each community. These considerations are meant to supplement—not replace—any provincial, local, territorial, health and safety laws, rules, and regulations with which businesses must comply.

Dragonfly Delights Tearoom has not offered any services since March 14th 2020. As my business does not have its own commercial kitchen I was not able to access a space in which to prepare the regular Afternoon Tea offering during the #stayhome season. When other food service establishments began to offer more than curbside pick up, delivery or takeout I chose to remain close not only because the kitchen was still not available, but I remained considerate to my immediate community my family. One of my team members has a mother who is being treated for cancer while another team member has a husband who was awaiting back surgery. I chose not to serve an afternoon tea in June for their safety.

Now as I am able to access a commercial kitchen in July I have chosen to provide only curbside pickup offering only one menu item. This is considered the lowest risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. My decisions through all of this have been based on safety of the community first.

I purchased my home here in Brandon in 2010. I moved here in 2011 from north of Winnipeg, St. Andrews. I have very much enjoyed Brandon. I would like to highlight the area parks and green spaces over the next few weeks. Spending time outdoors is so very important to our well being. What better way to head out of doors that with a picnic afternoon tea.

As the next few months unfold, as we all watch the news for details on the progress of COVID-19, I will make decisions on what to offer and how. I thank everyone for their patience, understanding, ongoing encouragement and support during this difficult season.

I look forward to my dream of one day being in my own building, until then Dragonfly Delights Tearoom will continue to pop up when and where it can.


Happy New Year

Happy New Year

A great cup of tea

A great cup of tea