Year End Reflections

December 31, 2019

Where to begin, me writing in a blog, unbelievable. My youngest daughter, Alexandria has told me that I would be great at this, as I write everything down all the time. She will understand as she gets older that one must write everything down in order to function. I did not do well in English class, so the thought of writing once a week terrifies me. My mother has said just write what you would talk over a cup of tea. I am good at talking. For those of you who have made the mistake of asking me about the business have learnt that I love to talk about every aspect of the business.

I have dreamed of owning and running a tearoom for so very many years. I went to a tearoom twice a year while living just North of Winnipeg in St. Andrews, Manitoba. My oldest child, Joshua had a best friend in elementary school, Robert. Every year for a decade his mom, Lisa, and I went to a tearoom in July for her birthday, and we went to a tearoom in December for my birthday. We dreamed continually of what I should and should not do when I open the business. We discussed decor, menu, events, gift shop and everything else that we thought was important. Over the years, her family has gifted to me, for the tearoom, so very many precious family heirlooms, I am filled joy and gratitude with their generosity.

I had given up the dream in 2015 when my middle daughter, Amanda, gave birth to her first child. I had said that I would close my existing sewing business for a time so that she could return to school to finish her culinary degree. Autumn of 2016 I closed the sewing business, sewing only for family, close friends and the dearest of customers which have become like close friends over my years of business. I spent the next few years lavishing love on my wee grand daughter Sephie.

As Sephie grew and I found I could work more hours per day, more days per week I thought about re-opening the sewing business part time. My daughter, Amanda, never did go back to the culinary school to complete her degree. She started with part time work then over the months the work became full time and before I knew it, she had moved to Winnipeg.

May 2018, I was introduced to Christy Wright’s Business Boutique. I read the book, listened to the podcasts, followed Facebook posts soaking up all the learning that I could to re-open the sewing business smarter. Over the summer and into autumn I attended markets, craft sales and posted items online for sale. The items were wonderful things I had sewn for craft sales. I had grown the business attending sales with a beautiful booth. Each Christmas season, My eldesst daughter, Anastasia, and I chose a theme and colour scheme. Then we created within those perimeters. Some years we sold out completely while other years we had bits and pieces remaining. The bits and pieces were sold summer 2018, at ridiculously low prices. All the monies raised paid my way to Nashville, Tennessee in November 2018.

I attended Christy’s Business boutique, 3 day event. There I volunteered in the retail sails section. I helped with transactions, learning about “square” point of sale system. All the while watching the Business Boutique team work together. It was there that a light bulb went on. If I followed their formula, I could start my Tea Room business. I had been looking at borrowing the money from the bank but that was so scary as my husband reaches retirement. Not many people want a half million-dollar business loan as a retirement gift.

Business Boutiques philosophy is to start with what you have, what you know. Do what you can, and do it scared. Learn as you go and never be afraid to ask for help. I did an inventory of tablecloths, linen napkins, china, silver and tea pots. I realized that I had so much already. I could serve Afternoon Tea with what I already had in house. I “borrowed” from my house kitchen what I would need to prepare food for Afternoon Tea.

I came home from Nashville the ideas rolling in my head. I discussed it with my husband, children and parents. I don’t believe many of them took me seriously. Once the Companies Names Office said the business name was officially mine, I purchased the domain name and started the website then some of them got nervous. There is so much to opening a business. My husband is still nervous.

I started with the plan of having little girls tea parties in my home. Perhaps a party of 6 would sit for tea at the dining table, do a craft at the side table, then open presents on the couch and love seat, sit back down for cake at the dining table. My first tea was family and friends at the house, February 9th of last year. I set up the two dining tables, decorated for St. Valentines Day, prayed for success.  

Soon we realized that the city and provincial legalities were more than we wanted to pursue in our own home. Both financially and construction wise to comply with codes. Once we determined that this could not continue in the house I searched for rental spaces to “pop up”. The Re-fit offered the Medallion Room and the Global Market kitchen. Anyone who came to that event on March 9th will agree it was lovely. That is a fantastic space, but as my papers were being processes, public health let the building know that they were not licenced to hold such a catered event. I had gone through great care to ensure that we complied with all health regulations that were outlined in a catering manual, but unfortunately the licencing on the building would not allow us to continue. We had to find a new space.

Back to the drawing board as the saying goes. We had to cancel one Afternoon Tea to ensure that all the t’s were crossed and the i’s dotted. Our next event and every one since has been at 339 12th Street, First Presbyterian Church.  The staff there have been amazing. So very supportive, constructive criticism, suggestions and a storage space on site for all of our tea things between teas.

We have over 20 medium sized rubber maid boxes that hold everything we need for Afternoon Tea. Boxes of china, teacups and saucers, plates, platters, silver, tea pots, tea trays, linen tablecloths, napkins, vases, kitchen pots and pans, utensils, and seasonal decorations. Having a storage room has helped so very much.

Our teas began as occasional Saturdays. We added a Friday, as some guests had requested to be able to come on a weekday. The senior homes had indicated that they could bring their residents but only Monday through Friday when they have staff to help.  Some days our events were sold out, fully booked, while other days we canceled the event as we did not have sufficient reservations to justify the overhead.  Business year one growing pains.

I have avoided debt in business year one. Creative financing with a silent investor. Well, quiet investor. She does give me her opinion and advice whenever I ask, and she worked with me during the summer in the kitchen to help with staffing. As I plan, prepare, dream and set goals for year two I would very much like to continue debt free.


Dave Ramsey is a name that is frequently spoken in this house. I do hope some of you have heard of him. A very wise man with a wealth of knowledge when it comes to finances. It was through him that I was introduced to Christy Wright’s Business Boutique as she is one of the personalities from his business Ramsey Solutions. Dave does not believe in debt. “Debt is dumb and cash is king”. Live within your means. Work hard, save money. His teachings are pretty simple. 

On this December 31 as I look back to my first year in the Tea Room business, I see so much is different than I had originally planned. That is all because of you, my Afternoon Tea guests. You have shared what you like, what you don’t like, what you tried elsewhere and liked or did not like. You have requested certain things, shown me recipes, shared ideas. I listened, you challenged me, I learned. We evolved, grew.

Thank you, to each and every one of you that came for Afternoon Tea in 2019. I appreciate your kind words, encouragement, support, gifts and generosity. I look forward to sharing more with you here in this blog spot about the business, about me, but mostly about Tea.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year !